Advisory Services
Student Advisory Service at the Department of Mathematics
Departmental Student Society Mathematics / Physics
Stays abroad and exchange programmes
Performance record according to §48 BAföG
- Prof. Dr. P Fiebig (rep: Prof. Dr. K.-H. Neeb)
- Applications can also be submitted to Ms. Carena Helle in room 01.320.
- BAföG-Calculator at
Crediting study achievements
- Bachelor’s and Master’s programme Mathematics: Prof. Dr. C. Meusburger
- Bachelor’s and Master’s programme Mathematical Economics: Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Stummer
- Bachelor’s and Master’s programme Data Science: Prof. Dr. Timm Oertel
- Bachelor’s and Master’s programme Engineering Mathematics: Prof. Dr. Eberhard Bänsch
- Master’s programme Computational and Applied Mathematics (CAM): Prof. Dr. Eberhard Bänsch
- Teaching degree programme of Mathematics: Dr. Y. Sanderson